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Rap is talking in rhyme to the rhythm of a beat.
But, what are the lyrics about? They usually contain lyrics related to drugs, sex, violence, guns and making money easily (spending it too).
In America people listen to music around 3 hours a day and rap music is the one that people listen to the most in America nowadays.
This actually creates a problem. Talking about taking drugs like if it was a normal thing to do for young people is influencing our society. For example, in the last elections a question about the legislation of marijuana came up. Although people voted for the ‘no’, it does not mean that, if it does not change, in future marijuana and other drugs won´t be accepted.
Another example could be gangsta rap. This type of rappers talk in their songs about violence, discrimination and sex in a way that they make look acceptable when they are not.
This has actually turned in the assassination of Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G (two of the most important rappers in America).
However, it does not mean that all rappers use this music to influence in a bad way the people. Others like Eminem think things like: 'Sometimes I feel like rap music is almost the key to stopping racism'.
Influence on society
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